Center of Excellence for Circular Economy and Climate Change (CECC) has successfully concluded the translation and adaptation of two critical tools from the Global Methane Initiative (GMI). These tools, the Solid Waste Emission Estimation Tool (SWEET) and the Landfill-gas Screening Tool (LFG-ST), are pivotal resources in our ongoing mission to reduce methane emissions in the waste sector.
Under the project titled “Methane Emission Reductions in SEE Waste Sector through Application of GMI Resources,” which is funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), CECC has been working to address waste management challenges in developing countries, particularly in Southeastern Europe (SEE). Our primary focus has been the transformation of waste management systems, which traditionally rely on landfilling, into more eco-friendly and sustainable alternatives. Through responsible diversion and treatment of biowaste, the project aims to reduce the sector’s impact on climate change and bolster the economic prospects of SEE countries.
Throughout the project, CECC has undertaken a range of key activities, including the translation and adaptation of GMI tools, the organization of in-person workshops, study tours for composting plant operators, a study on emission reductions in SEE countries, and the planning of a forthcoming regional conference. The successful completion of the translation and adaptation of SWEET and LFG-ST is a pivotal achievement in our journey toward realizing the project’s objectives.
To make these tools easily accessible to the public, CECC has made them available for download on our website, ensuring that municipalities, waste management professionals, and other stakeholders in SEE countries can fully benefit from these resources. The tools can be accessed and downloaded from the following links:
- [Download Solid Waste Emission Estimation Tool (SWEET)]
- [Download Landfill-gas Screening Tool (LFG-ST)]
In addition, English and Spanish version along with the Serbian version is also available on GMI web site:
- [Download Solid Waste Emission Estimation Tool (SWEET)]
- [Download Landfill-gas Screening Tool (LFG-ST)]
These tools empower waste management stakeholders to analyze, assess, and plan more sustainable waste management systems, thereby reducing methane emissions and mitigating the impact of the waste sector on climate change.
The successful completion of this project activity is a significant step forward in the global effort to combat methane emissions and create a more sustainable and environmentally responsible future. CECC and its partners remain committed to their mission, working tirelessly to support municipalities and waste management professionals in SEE countries as they strive to comply with national and EU legislation, all while preserving the environment and enhancing economic prospects.
CECC završio prevođenje ključnih GMI resursa u okviru projekta finansiranog od strane ECCC
Centar izvrnosti za Cirkularnu Ekonomiju i Klimatske Promene (CECC) je uspešno završio prevođenje i prilagođavanje dve ključne alatke iz Globalne Inicijative za Metan (GMI). Ove alatke, tačnije Model za procenu emisija iz sektora upravljanja čvrstim otpadom (SWEET) i Model za praćenje deponijskih gasova (LFG-ST), su od suštinskog značaja za kontinuiranu borbu protiv emisija metana u sektoru otpada.
U okviru projekta “Smanjenje emisija metana u sektoru upravljanja otpadom u Jugoistočnoj Evropi (SEE) kroz upotrebu GMI resursa”, koji je finansiran od strane Ministarstva za životnu sredinu i klimatske promene Kanade (ECCC) i implementiran od strane CECC, radili smo na rešavanju izazova u upravljanju otpadom u zemljama u razvoju, posebno u SEE regionu. Naš primarni fokus je bio na transformaciji sistema upravljanja otpadom koji se tradicionalno oslanja na deponovanje, u održive i ekološki prihvatljive alternative. Kroz odgovorno preusmeravanje i tretiranje biološkog otpada, projekat ima za cilj smanjenje uticaja sektora na klimatske promene i unapređenje ekonomske perspektive zemalja u SEE regionu.
Tokom trajanja projekta, CECC je preduzima niz ključnih aktivnosti, uključujući prevođenje i prilagođavanje GMI alatki, organizaciju radionica, organizaciju tura za operatere kompostnih postrojenja, sprovođenje studija o smanjenju emisija u zemljama SEE regiona i organizacija regionalne konferencije. Uspešno završeno prevođenje i prilagođavanje alatki SWEET i LFG-ST predstavlja ključni korak u ostvarivanju ciljeva projekta.
Da bismo olakšali pristup ovim alatkama, CECC ih je stavio na raspolaganje javnosti putem naše veb stranice, kako bi se osiguralo da opštine, profesionalci u oblasti upravljanja otpadom i drugi zainteresovani akteri u SEE regionu mogu potpuno da iskoriste ove resurse. Alatke se mogu preuzeti sa sledećih linkova:
Ove alatke omogućavaju akterima u upravljanju otpadom da analiziraju, procene i planiraju održivije sisteme upravljanja otpadom, čime se smanjuju emisije metana i ublažava uticaj sektora na klimatske promene.
Finalizacija ove projektne aktivnosti predstavlja značajan korak napred u globalnim naporima za suzbijanje emisija metana i stvaranje održive i ekološki odgovorne budućnosti. CECC i njegovi partneri ostaju posvećeni svojoj misiji i nastavljaju sa radom kako bi podržali opštine i profesionalce u oblasti upravljanja otpadom u zemljama SEE regiona na putu ka usklađivanju sa nacionalnim i EU propisima, istovremeno štiteći životnu sredinu i unapređujući ekonomske perspektive.