This projects aims to respond to specific request of Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change (MEEPCC) to study the potential of circularity in the SWM sector, in the management of green/food/organic waste (Bio-Degradable Waste – BDW) in Tashkent City and it’s surrounding areas. The objective of this project is to investigate and elaborate the potential for circularity in the BDW management in the city of Tashkent and the surrounding areas and identify concrete investment opportunities that are techno-economically feasible, in the context of the city. The analytics is expected to inform the design of a potential investment operation involving procerssing of BDW, while ensuring resource circularity. Project is financed by the World Bank and it is implemented in consortium with GWCC – INTERIVAL ZT GmbH, Austria and InfraTech Consulting, Uzbekistan.
Assessing Potential for Circularity in Biodegradable Waste (BDW) Management in the City of Tashkent, Uzbekistan